Wednesday 12 December 2012

Mr Simms unveiled

Firstly, I shall apologise for the lack of recent posts to the Sweet Retailing blog. It is with good reason as I shall explain – we have been a little busy…

After months of discussions, head scratching and a great deal of typing, we bring you a unique and most inspiring, brand new e-book. 

The subject? Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe.

So many of our readers are intrigued by the success story of Mr Simms. Who wouldn’t be? Within eight years, Martin Peet has created an iconic sweet shop brand out of nothing and now boasts in the region of 100 shops across the UK. He must surely have quite a bit to say about that and might even be able to offer some great advice? Of course! It’s all in our brand new and exclusive Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe e-book.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed spending a huge amount of time talking to Martin about his sweetie empire. I can drive to Eccleshall without the Sav Nav now and I stand a vague chance of being recognised in The Star Café! We’ve thoroughly delved into the past, looked firmly into the future and picked apart the current workings of the franchise which provides the backbone to Mr Simms. Knowing that every retailer would want to ask Martin countless questions about Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe, we’ve done that too! Martin was happy to use his immense experience and knowledge in confectionery retailing to highlight some of the key factors to success.

Is a step up a good or bad thing?

Should you sell to your customers?

What are Martin’s top “must-stocks”?

How do shoppers look around a sweet shop?

We know Martin’s answers to these and many more questions about confectionery retailing. We’ve popped them all safely into our new e-book for you to enjoy.

So where is this e-book I hear you ask?

Well, you can buy it for a mere £3.75 directly from Sweet Retailing right now. 33 pages of a riveting read. That’s 11p a page and certainly cheaper than most magazines these days. We show you the introductory page and the contents page before you buy too.

We’ve put an immense amount of effort into our beloved Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe e-book so we hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I guarantee that you will learn something of value from reading it and rest assured we’ll get back to a little bit more blogging now.

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