reams and reams on the subject of whether chocolate is good for you right
across the internet and so we thought we’d just list the key health benefits that
are becoming more increasingly reported for chocolate. We’re not talking your
typical countline bar though and it is not a green light to eat as much as you
is good for your brain
chocolate can apparently protect your brain, especially from damage caused by
having a stroke. This is apparently due to a compound call Epicatechin which is
found in dark chocolate.
Chocolate stengthens your bones
benefit of white chocolate is that a 50g bar will contain one sixth of your
daily recommended allowance of calcium. Be mindful of the sugar level though.
Chocolate can help to lower your blood pressure
research identified a statistically significant effect of chocolate lowering
blood pressure, at least in the short term. This is due to the flavanols found
in cocoa beans which help in the production of nitric oxide. This in turn
stimulates the blood vessels to dilate.
Chocolate contains lots of lovely antioxidants
chocolate contains significant amounts of antioxidants and we’re told that
these are great to fight disease. They are also found in many green vegetables…and
red wine.
Chocolate might help with PMS
news! As chocolate releases endorphins that help to calm us and contains much
magnesium, it can be effective at that tricky time of the month.
Chocolate has the potential for cancer prevention
clearly not the answer for all cancers but research is suggesting that some of
the compounds found in cocoa can suppress some cancer cells dividing.
perhaps a certain quality and quantity of chocolate really is good for you.
More research is likely to develop this line of thought further I’m quite sure
so in the meantime, I’ll remain loyal to my favourite bars of lovely dark
chocolate…in the name of health you see.
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