Friday, 27 March 2015

Poster made of sweets

Here’s some great inspiration for a retail display. Celebrating the launch of the new SpongeBob film, renowned food artist, Mark Northeast has created a promotional poster entirely out of pick and mix! This is a UK first.

On display at Empire Cinemas in Walthamstow, the poster includes 24 different types of sweets and over 400 individual sweets including: 90 foam bananas, of which 60 were used for the lettering, 60 fried eggs, 60 shrimps, 25 pieces of fudge, 50 blue dolphins, 10 strawberries and many more tasty treats available from the pick 'n’ mix counter at Empire Cinemas.

Mark Northeast, owner of Creative Food Design, stated “This has to go down as one of the largest and most fun projects I’ve undertaken. The preparation was key and from the outset, I visualised how the image would take shape. The plan was to layer the different characters at varying heights in order to achieve a sense of depth to the picture. 

“One of the toughest elements of the project was trying to cut and shape the 24 different varieties of sweets to use them in the picture. Some are brittle and can snap easily while others were incredibly chewy. Where possible I tried to use the sweet in its original form, but some improvisation was necessary – for example, removing the yolks of about 80 fried eggs so they laid flat on the picture. Each of the 90 bananas that were used had to be cut down in thickness to make them suitable for the letters and SpongeBob’s body.”

So, what creative displays could this encourage you to try in your own shop? It could become quite a crowd puller and that means customers! Good luck.

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