Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Growing online sales

A recent report by Clavis Insight, a leading ecommerce insights company, suggests that online confectionery sales in the UK are currently growing at 30% year on year; far more than offline sales.

The report states that the UK online grocery market is worth £8bn, growing at 20% year on year, whilst UK online confectionery is worth £100m. Online purchases for the take home market are key to the growth in UK confectionery sales online.

This makes interesting reading for any confectionery retailer in the UK, whether large or small. The factors around an online and an offline purchase are very different and therefore those that find success offline will not automatically replicate it online. Consider firstly, the offline confectionery purchase. A big colourful display of different products, often at the point of purchase. The shopper might not consider buying any confectionery until they are faced with the display. They can look at and touch the products in order to make their decision and consume their confectionery immediately upon purchase.

In contrast, an online confectionery purchase cannot be particularly impulsive; it’s a more considered thing, looking at each product in turn, making a careful choice based on need and budget, knowing that delivery is required. Clavis Insight suggests that more premium brands and larger products (as oppose to single serves) perform best online.

Three things are extremely important to help consumers successfully buy more confectionery online. Firstly, they have to find it! We’re not writing an SEO article here and so we’ll just mention the importance of such activity and the challenge of ranking highly on Google. Online directories such as our very own UK confectionery suppliers directory can pay dividends too. Secondly, images are key. They cannot see the confectionery and hold it in their hands so they need great images, quite possibly of the front and the back of the pack. Thirdly, product information is essential. Optimising the product name is important (also for search) but consider also the product description (does it showcase the product at its best?) and product information such as dimensions, ingredients and nutritional information.

Selling confectionery online is without doubt, a fantastic opportunity for smaller confectionery brands wishing to reach a larger audience. Present yourself with the above considerations in mind and there is little reason why you could not grasp some of that 30% growth for your own business.

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