Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Chokablok confectionery

Oh dear. It’s been reported that Tesco is to extend its own label Chokablok brand into the confectionery aisle, just in time for the Easter egg onslaught. Previously kept for premium ice creams, the Chokablok brand is to sport a range of premium Easter eggs to include names such as Billionaires Dynamite Egg and Starstruck Supernova Egg. It is also being mooted that Chokablok chocolate bars are to follow.

Well, the Chokablok Easter egg packaging and presentation looks ok actually. Whether shoppers will flock to buy Chokablok eggs instead of the usual Cadbury Buttons, Smarties and the like, only time will tell.  

With regard to the “supermarkets vs. all other confectionery retailers” discussion at Easter time, it certainly confirms that the likes of Tesco are only going to bite in deeper to retain and grow their share. 

But this is shell eggs. There is so much more to Easter confectionery than shell eggs! And if you are a smaller retailer, you only need a small piece of it to really boost your sales during the spring months. So surely it is a case of keeping to your planned path, listening closely to your customers, offering a creative and different range of Easter confectionery whilst leaving the shell egg battle to start and finish in the supermarkets.

Keep up to date on UK confectionery discussion at Sweet Retailing!