Thursday, 31 March 2011

The price of eggs

The Guardian newspaper recently reported (22 March) that research from shopping website mySupermarket suggested a 21% increase in the price of Easter eggs this year compared to last, with certain popular branded favourites rising by as much as 140%!

For many years now, supermarkets have been selling core branded Easter eggs at extremely low prices, keeping the playing field a little out of reach for smaller confectionery retailers. So it is ironic perhaps that in such a tough economic climate, prices appear to have eventually moved upwards. Of course the main reasons for any price rises would be focused around many rising costs including cocoa and the higher VAT level.

With just a few weeks to go before Easter, I am sure that your confectionery range is well established and quite possibly extends well beyond branded shell Easter eggs. But I for one will be taking a peek in the local supermarkets to see what they are up to and whether this research stacks up substantially.

Don't forget to keep a regular eye on the Sweet Retailing website for thoughts and ideas to develop your confectionery range!

Friday, 11 March 2011

The best sweet shop name?

I was reading a very long list of sweet shop names recently - the diversity and creativity was inspiring! There seem to be some trusted old favourites in amongst some rather entertaining plays on confectionery words.

It made me ponder just what might be the most effective name for a sweet or chocolate shop. Is it something plain and simple so that it “does exactly what it says on the tin” or is something more unusual a way to stand out from the crowd? Many might say that it is the contents of the shop that matter the most and its particular location. They would not be far off the mark! Yet bearing in mind the hours of deliberation that many a retailer will have put into his shop name, it is clearly a key part to the jigsaw.

So, my ponderings are not going to give you any answers I’m afraid but I thought you might like to know some of the most common names in addition to some of the more creative names for sweet shops across the country. Of course, if your shop has an even more creative name than this, why not let us know and we could feature you on Sweet Retailing?

Ten of the most commonly used sweet and chocolate shop names:
The Chocolate Box
The Sweet Shop
The Chocolate Shop
The Candy Box
The Candy Shop
Sweet Memories
Sweets and Treats
The Toffee Shop
Bon Bon

Some more unusual names:
            B Chewsy
            Toot Sweet
            Yum Yums
            Sugar Rush