Thursday, 26 November 2015

A new season?

So it’s almost December, and with that comes the Cadbury Crème Egg of course. It used not to show its head until January or February but the date has been creeping back and savvy retailers get in there first for early impulse sales – even in the run up to Christmas.

Is it a world gone mad? Perhaps. But in a competitive confectionery industry it is becoming more and more evident that impulsive spring treats are a big sales opportunity – especially for smaller stores that thrive on shoppers buying on impulse.
We no longer stop at the trusty Crème Egg of course. Oh no. Today, there is a giddy selection of seasonally themed treats, generally priced under £1, gearing up for fast sales from January onwards – helping to get us in the mood for Easter apparently. The Malteaster Bunny is such an example and there are many more key branded products to contemplate including: Galaxy Bubbles filled egg, Aero filled egg, Cadbury Caramel filled egg, Kinder Surprise, Smarties Little Choc Chick, Mini Lindt Bunnies… oh how the list goes on.

According to data from Nestlé Confectionery, 70% of Easter confectionery sales are from “immediate consumption” products, which over index in the early season. Coupled with this, the Seasonal Impulse sector is worth £122 million in spring confectionery sales. However you look at it, we’ve created a new season amongst the confectionery sales calendar – the season for impulsive spring treats.

So get yourselves ready for some early bumper sales, just as soon as you can say “Happy New Year”. The wholesalers and other suppliers will be encouraging you to stock up and offering plenty of options to choose from. Whilst well-known brands can offer familiarity (and I’m afraid to say that Crème Egg has become an essential product to stock), there are many little known branded ideas in addition to premium chocolate treats, designed with the spring season in mind.

Consider your target audience and what they might like to treat themselves with periodically. Don’t forget your younger customers too – all ages are buying in to our new season.

Stocking from January, we’re told that sales can be strong for around seven weeks, with a last minute surge in the week before Easter. So our advice? Get them in early and stock them right up to Easter Sunday. This is a season that you cannot afford to miss.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Green & Blacks spills the beans

It’s not every day that you get the chance to hear the thoughts of an industry leader. This, however is just what Yorkshire Bank’s Business Week can offer you in Birmingham on Monday 9th November, when bank customers and anyone else that would like to apply, can hear co-founder of Green & Blacks, Jo Fairley, speak about her insights on proactive innovation.
Jo is a believer in making things happen and was directly instrumental in the development of the Green & Blacks chocolate brand as it grew to become a nationwide and then international name. She founded the chocolate business with her husband Craig Sams back in 1991, positioning the much-loved company as an organic and Fairtrade champion.
Given that it’s a free event, I reckon it would be well worth popping down it you’re located in the Midlands and up to 120 people are expected to attend. Nuggets of inspiration like this can be really useful, whether you’re a confectionery retailer or a manufacturer – Green & Blacks is certainly a chocolate brand to admire and learn something from.
To attend this free event, head over to the Yorkshire Bank website and register :

Friday, 21 August 2015

Going to The Chocolate Show?

Chocolate is certainly becoming big business these days and most definitely warrants its own show. So say organisers of The Chocolate Show who are expecting 15,000 people to flock through their doors between the 16th and 18th October.

Located at Olympia’s National Hall in London, big and fine names will feature such as Rococo, Paul A Young, Hotel Chocolate and Divine. Visitors will even be able to try their hand at making chocolate from the bean. 

Youngsters can be entertained by members of the West End musical, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory with plenty of chocolate play and even a Great Glass Elevator. Probably some oompa loompas too I’d reckon. It all sounds like a grand and very chocolatey day out.

Fun aside, in addition to eager consumers, this must also be a very useful show for chocolate retailers, seeking to better understand the nature of the UK chocolate market and the opportunities for growth. For example, there will be a healthy chocolate area exploring the reasons why chocolate can actually be considered good for you (in moderation) and manufacturers will be showcasing their products.

Organised by Salon du Chocolat, this has all the hallmarks of an interesting and enjoyable show, whether you’re there to try as many new tastes as possible or to find some opportunities for your business. Now, where did I put my train timetable…